In January, I was part of a short term missions team that visited Santa Rita in Guatemala, a community built underneath a bridge and home to the very poor. We were there to assist with a building project and provide some medical help. Word got out that we were there and people came from far and near. On the third morning, I saw a young girl in the distance assisting this woman who was her grandmother down the steep slope from the street level to the church/school/feeding station where we were working. I knew I was witnessing something extraordinary.
In spite of her age (94) and circumstances, she was in perfect health and had a peace and beauty about her that is rare. She gave us permission to photograph her and although many shots were taken, this candid one seemed to best capture her grace and wisdom.
I began with much fear and trepidation, wanting to do justice to the subject. Fear was quickly replaced with excitement as this dear lady began to appear on the paper. The experience was a delight from start to finish and God willing will be the first of many portraits for me.
Leslie Stadnichuk
Age: 52
Pastel 18" x 24"
March, 2009